Thursday, May 26, 2022

Try these 3 types of chai to Improve your Immunity system

Chai has been shown to have health benefits, making it a drink that is not only pleasant but also beneficial to your health. Chai tea has something to offer everyone, whether you want to safeguard your heart health or enhance your immune system and relieve pains. Doctors are aware that tea can aid in the battle against free radicals, hence lowering inflammation in the body. 

Kadak chai

These are three types of chairs you can try to boost your immunity system. 

Kadak Chai:  Isn't it true that just one cup of 'kadak chaican make your day? A chai-lover can relax at any time of day with a sip of steaming hot tea. Every form of chai has its own health benefits, whether it's black tea, green tea, or Indian 'kadak' masala tea. While green tea is high in antioxidants, black tea is known for its distinct flavor and polyphenols, which help protect our cells from harm. When it comes to the most famous kadak masala chai, it is a natural energy booster and has gut-friendly, heart-healthy, and other benefits. This chai has the nutritional benefits of the 'masala' in addition to the goodness of tea (spices). On the other hand, the masala of choice may differ from person to person.

Lemongrass Chai: Many negative health issues, such as pain and heart disease, are caused by inflammation. As a result, lemongrass chai could be a healthy beverage to include in one's diet. The following are seven additional health benefits of drinking lemongrass tea. Lemongrass provides cooling energy that soothes your stomach and regulates your digestive systems. It contains a substance called citral, which aids digestion. As a result, it's usually served after dinner. It has long been used as an ancient cure for bloating, constipation, and indigestion. Your detox chai is lemongrass chai. It is high in antioxidants, which aid in internal detoxification and cleansing. It relieves fluid retention, which aids in the clearance of toxins from the body.

Lemon Chai: If you want to drop a few pounds, lemon chai is a fantastic beverage to drink. It aids in the detoxification of the body and digestion. It also possesses anti-inflammatory effects that help to maintain the body in shape. Lemons are high in vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, and magnesium, among other minerals. All of these elements contribute to the immune system's strength and protection against allergies and infection. Warm lemon tea can improve your mood by lowering stress and making you feel calmer.

All these chai will never be boring as their taste has a different magnificent charm. You can get all of these tea premixes on a single platform, named Namaste Chai Store. It is one of the best online websites where you will get quality chai leaves and premixes at an affordable range.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Why change your Morning tea to Herbal tea?

Herbal tea is amongst the healthiest drinks. It is packed with essential nutrients like vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that provide numerous health benefits. Owing to all these herbal tea benefits, it could be a great substitute for caffeinated and sugary drinks. Though it might not provide great taste it would surely keep your immune system strong.

The benefit of herbal tea is that it helps the boosts immunity system. It has vitamins and antioxidants that help to fight back infections and diseases. Also, these compounds protect the body from oxidative stress which reduces the risk of chronic diseases. Licorice root tea, ginger, and elderberry are some of the herbal tea that helps to improve immunity.

best herbal tea

Drinking the best herbal tea regularly can help to treat arthritis. It has an array of medicinal properties that helps to reduce swelling, pain, and tiredness in the joints. One of the best herbal teas that help to reduce inflammation is ginger herbal tea. It has a compound called Gingerol that makes ginger tea an ideal treatment for muscle and joint pain.

One of the main herbal tea benefits is that it fights back seasonal health problems like colds and coughs. One of the prime herbs that help in treating cold and cough is elder tea. It has many medicinal properties that help to clear the nasal passage and cure cough. Moreover, herbal tea can also help with asthmatic problems.

It helps to calm the mind and relieves all kinds of stress. Moreover, it helps to treat sleep-related problems such as insomnia. To treat insomnia and other sleep-related problems, one can drink a cup of herbal tea before hitting the sack. One of the best herbal tea that relieves stress and anxiety is chamomile. It has a relaxing effect that acts as an anti-depressant as it stimulates the brain’s functioning and helps to treat depression.

It is packed with numerous health benefits that make it an ideal substitute for sugary and caffeinated drinks. It is good for skin, digestion, and blood pressure check, and is a perfect stress buster. Seeing the benefits of herbal tea, it is wise to include it in your diet. To buy herbal tea you can trust on Namaste Chai Store. They sell the best quality herbal tea online. Visit their website to check out their amazing products. Incorporate herbal tea in your daily diet and see how magically your overall health changes. 

Monday, May 9, 2022

Chai - The all time Favourite Drink for Indians

Tea is one of the important items in Indian’s life. You can say it's kind of a morning booster for the Indians. From regular tea to masala tea every kind of tea is loved in India. Tea only becomes perfect when the tea powder or tea blend is perfect. 

Especially while you are buying masala tea, the tea masala powder must need to be good, unless your tea will be not as mesmerizing as you are thinking. So to get the best chai you must buy the best tea blend or tea powder. 

chai masala powder

But how to buy the best tea powder? Well, there are a few ways to buy the best quality chai powder. Wanna check it out? Well, here it is - 

While you are buying a tea powder you must check the smell. High-quality tea has a distinct scent, regardless of the type. If you inhale deeply and only detect trace levels of aroma, the tea may be of poor quality or have become old and stale. Black tea should smell earthy, flowery, and sweet, while green tea should smell grassy, light, and fresh. Excellent tea should be deeply aromatic when steeped, amplifying the distinct aromas of the dried tea leaves.

In general, high-quality dried tea leaves should feel as smooth, entire, and strong as they appear. It should also have a slight heaviness in your hands; if your tea feels feather-light in your hands, it could be over-dried or old. With mild handling, the high-quality loose leaf should not crumble or dissolve. Tea leaves that have been steeped should be slick and silky to the touch.

Nowadays chai latte is one of the favorite drinks, especially among the youth. They love to drink chai latte. Making a chai latte is not a difficult thing, all you need is the chai latte powder, there are many online websites from you can buy this chai powder. This really varies much famous these days, plus it tastes also very good as well. 

There are many online websites where you can get these chai powders, as these are easily available in the online market. Namaste chai store is one of these companies where you will get chai masala powder at a very reasonable price. All you need to visit the website to make your order so that you can make any tea at home without compromising your comfort.  

Poha: A Healthy And Easy Meal Option

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